Why Donate to UHQ

Some of you may ask why should I donate to UnityHQ?

Well here’s why:

Contribute To Keep UnityHQ Alive!

We work hard to continuously update content and files on UnityHQ. Unfortunately we don’t have any sponsorships from gaming or hardware companies, and we don’t we charge for site and downloads access like some other community sites.

We have monthly hosting and operational costs to keep the site and servers going.

We do not profit from this site at all.  

Running an game community site and servers is a commitment!

Most people don’t realize the amount of work that goes into keeping the UnityHQ site and servers going . We have all taken for granted the information we so readily find on the internet when searching for example how to setup your NOLF game or get that missing file, or how to get your game working on that latest piece of hardware.

We sacrifice lots of free time and our own money to writing posts, maintaining gameservers, updating the UHQ website/forum and coming up with new ways to keep the games alive, answering questions, thus keeping UnityHQ going for all NOLF fans to enjoy.

But make no mistake, we love what we do!

The nolf game series is one of the most awesome game series made. We’ve taken on the mantle of keeping these awesome games alive.

We, the site owners, are adults, with commitments to every day life, families, employers, etc.  So our time gets terribly divided between what we wish we could work on (UnityHQ) and what we’re obligated to do to survive in the real world!

How Can you Help?

We would love to know the site will continue for as long as people are interested in the NOLF game series.

If you enjoy the UnityHQ NOLF2 gameservers, enjoy the website/forum, or just wish to reward our time and effort spent keeping the NOLF games alive, you can contribute to support our site by clicking the paypal banner below or on the forum.


Eliteone and the UHQ staff

So please help us keep UnityHQ alive by clicking the donate button to contribute today.